(+91) 9836962824 info@bigpage.in

Have Questions? Look Here

Why should you trust Us ?

We believe trust and confidence are the foundation for any successful relationship, and develop only after association over time. The following facts may help demonstrate our commitment to our business:
We have completed projects for 300+ clients.
We have been 2+ years in business.
Our list of references/ testimonials.

What guarantee can you Get from us ?

All projects we take up carry the following guarantees:
All client details will be kept confidential.
Minimum cost-saving over on-site development.
Progress-linked payments will deliver at the end.

Do you offer software support and maintenance?

We provide a comprehensive service level agreement, which guarantees the level of support from the moment your solution goes live. This includes team knowledge retention, background system maintenance and general user software support.

Are there any ongoing fees upon completion of your project?

This also depends on the requirements established for your project. If you no longer require support from us, there will be no charge for this. However, fees may apply for items like ongoing hosting, service level agreements and domain name renewals.

How much do you charge for software development and support?

It is true that no two customer projects are exactly alike, and Bigbook treats each customer project as unique. However, our team has completed enough projects to identify commonalities, which can assist us in pricing your project. This allows us to provide an estimate, which is always competitive, and a great value. Contact us for additional information.

What control do we have over the project?

You will have the ability to keep close control over the project. Our assigned Project Manager will be your single point-of-contact for all issue resolution, and will work closely with your guidelines.

Get started today

Start a free trial today, no credit card required. Want to learn more? Schedule time with our technology experts for a personalized demonstration.

Have questions? Call +91 9836962824 or email info@bigpage.in
Our sales team is available Monday to Friday.

Have questions? Call +91 9836962824 or email info@bigpage.in